Holy Moly, 19 weeks, 19 weeks, 19 weeks, how the HECK did we made it to 19 weeks?!!

I mean, I have been pregnant for NINETEEN WEEKS and it feels like its only been for five minutes. Go figure…

My husband and I been through a weird shift in the last few weeks. We have gone from a regular low-level excited to an OFF THE CHARTS level of excitement! Well… I mean, I definitely am off the charts excited, but I have been told that I am a rather excitable person in general hehehe.

I am feeling SO good in fact, that it makes me wonder if I am going borderline cray-cray lol.

I am totally energised now (well, as much as one permanently hauling around and chasing after a 2-year-old toddler tyrant can make you feel energised lol). I am happier than I have felt in a long time, and that in itself makes me feel double-y good. I know my happiness levels have been increasing slowly again for the last maybe 4 or 5 weeks but they have reached a particular level of joy that is kind of incredible.

We find out what we are having next week. I am sure it is a boy.

I feel with every inch of my bones that it’s a boy. In fact, I think I am destined to ONLY be a mother of boys, and I am totally fine with that! I don’t even know what I would even do with a girl to be honest BECAUSE I am so used to having a boy, so I am totally sure that’s what I am having. It’s so strong a  feeling that I even rejected some little girl sock samples at work the other day. Because I am not going to need them. I don’t think.

And now the day I have been waiting for has arrived! We flicked over to 20 weeks as of yesterday, and our ultrasound is tomorrow! Whoop Whoop! I am so excited that I think I am going to absolutely pee my pants #SOML, and I don’t even know how I am going to sleep tonight! I cant wait to see my baby again.

But, somehow even in my over zealous excitement, I managed to sleep like a dead woman. I seem to have stopped getting up to have a wee every night which is bloody exciting because it means that I am getting a semi full nights sleep.

Well, except for when my husband comes to bed and tries to grab a boob or two, which seems to make me want nothing more than to punch him in his non-tired head. And sometimes I do, except its more of an “accidental” jab to the kidneys than a head punch. Touch me, wake me up and die. Let me sleep and I will love you forever.

Then BOOM! After that full nights sleep, I am awake again. Still bloody tired though of course. It wouldn’t be #mumlife without being exhausted even after a full nights sleep.

My husband had dropped our little one-off at his parents house so we could have an uninterrupted ultrasound without him running around screaming like a banshee, or pulling out cords that probably should remain plugged in. So that’s good because last time I got the stressed out sweats from his complete inability to sit still.

It feels like it has been far too long since I have seen the babies wriggly little body on the ultrasound screen. We didn’t even get to hear its heartbeat at the last one, because the Sonographer was a grump, so hopefully we will get to today. Fingers crossed, because it was a weird feeling not knowing completely what was going on after the last scan. Not getting that reassurance because the woman in charge was a cold-hearted mole left a little bit of doubt floating in both of our minds.

Hopefully this scan will relieve that…

So, in we headed to see the loveliest group of ladies in reception. Every single one of them were smiling and excited and uplifting. Every one of them sent a little bit of joy our way… Completely different to the place that we went to in our last scan.

Even the Sonographer at this place was a ball of professional joy.

She started the scan happily, like a lady seeing a squishy baby for the first time in her life. She kept explaining everything that she was looking at and why she was looking there, and then would complement the baby and talk to it like she was talking to a little munchkin who was squirming happily in her arms.

She kept telling us how perfect the baby was and how sweetly wriggly. Her words made us so proud of our little creation and we loved every single minute of every single second we were there. Our hearts sang, and we were so warm and fuzzy when we left.

But, before we did, she told us.

WE ARE HAVING A GIRRRRRRRRL! Hooray! Holy Moly! What???!!!!

I swore black and blue that we were having a boy right up until this very moment. I would have bet my very life on it. And yet, the moment she said the words, I felt like everything made sense. The different pregnancy, the extra hormones, the way I would randomly cry and get grumpy occasionally. It all really made sense. And we were thrilled.

The Sonographer was so happy for us, that it looked like she was bursting with excitement as much as we were. And we giggled like excited teenagers all the way after the appointment, and all the way home.

And now I am 21 weeks. I am still on a high from knowing that we have a little girl on the way. I am so stupidly happy and have already bought her a bunch of clothes, even though mind you, she will be wearing a lot of her brothers clothes (sorry in advance my little gorgeous lady). Time is moving quicker, so much faster than I would have expected.

And although it took me longer to start to “show” this time, once I started showing I exploded into becoming the most pregnant looking pregnant lady that ever wiz was.

Diary of a Crazy Pregnant Lady - Weeks 19 to 21 - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby

But don’t get me wrong, I love being pregnant. I love it so much it’s almost ridiculous and sometimes I feel like I would love to continue being pregnant forever for the rest of my life. To feel those little kicks. To see my stomach grow whilst it nurtures the life inside me. To have that secret connection to a sweet and loving little soul long before I even get to meet it. Its incredible…

I wonder what the rest of his pregnancy will hold?

I cant wait to find out… <3 <3 <3

Are you pregnant yourself? How are you feeling? Leave a comment below sharing all of the weird and wonderful things that you are going through, I would love to read them!! xxxx