So…You may or may not remember, but I recently discovered that I had a deep and intense love for Pumpkin Seeds. Whaaaaaaat? PUMKPIN SEEDS?!!!! Yep. That’s right!! Pumpkin Seeds!! Before that, I hadn’t even realised that these tiny, delicious and nourishing little things existed. I had thoughtlessly tossed seed after seed in the trash for years, without even realising what tasty goodness I was carelessly wasting. You know, hindsight delights in making me aware of how much of a fool I can be. What a jerk hindsight is. (more…)
Posts tagged “yummy”
Quick and Easy Grain Free Banana Pancakes
So, I have a confession. I love pancakes. I just really freaking love them. If I could eat them all day everyday without giving myself a major case of the voms, then I totally would. Get in my mouth you flappity flap flap pancakey goodness! (more…)
Super Tasty Pumpkin Seeds – Spicy and Sweet
Oh. My. God. Have you (like me) cut up at least a THOUSAND pumpkins over your lifetime and thrown away the pumpkin seeds inside without thinking anything of it?? HAVE YOU??? I know I have. (more…)
Simple Chocolate and Blueberry Chia Pudding
Feeling like a simple dessert but can’t be bothered whipping up a chocolate mousse or a cake? Well, that pretty much sums up my entire life. (more…)
Grandma Jean’s Delicious Potato Salad
I love a good potato salad. I love how, when it is made perfectly with love, can make you feel so deliciously comforted with every single moreish mouthful. Now, the recipe for this particular salad was inspired by my beautiful late Grandmother Jean, who I remember used to make a version of this salad. She sadly passed away around twelve years ago now, and yet every time I make this yummy scrummy potato salad I am reminded of her. (more…)