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Posts tagged “Hypnobirthinghope”

Dear Baby – a letter to my unborn child

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

The funniest thing happened today. I came across a batch of letters that I had written to my unborn baby during my pregnancy! In those letters, I talked about my hopes and dreams for my little one. I talked about how I hoped my labour would be and what I imagined that our life would be like afterwards. Reading over those letters now, almost 9 months after the birth of that same little baby, and they still make me smile. I can feel such hope, excitement and happiness in the words. I can feel that sense of beginning – the feeling that our life was just about to start. (more…)

My labour: The Birth Plan vs Reality

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma, My Real Birth Story Series / / 4 comments

I was ready for labour. Totally ready. Like an athlete before a big race, I was focused, I was psyched, I was pumped. I felt so mentally and physically prepared and was ready to take on whatever the universe threw my way, however I assumed that what was going to be thrown my way was a brilliant relaxing labour. I was already metaphorically fist pumping the air over what a good job I was going to do. I was smug. I was an idiot. (more…)


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