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About Ellyn

Hi! *waves madly*

If you hadn’t guessed already, my name is Ellyn Shepherd.

I am a secret (not so secret) dork, who has two crazy kidlets, a furball dawggy who thinks he is a human, and an incredibly tall husband who I adore to pieces, and who is made up almost entirely of his own beard… #WhattaHairyLegend

On this blog, I share the story of our live’s, and we love every single messy spewed upon, dribbled on, or pooped on second of it. Well, maybe not the pooped on parts but you know what I mean. #IAlwaysSmellLikePoopOrVomTheseDays

Every post is REAL and reflects the grey-hair inducing craziness that is parenthood, and I hope you like reading about it as much as I love talking about it… Cough, except I never actually shut up about it… Soz…

Ell x

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